Here is a picture of the core staff members. Most of them have been here for the full 9 weeks. It's a great group of very passionate people.

Shannan and I are waiting for an other lecture to start. Can you tell I've had some late nights?

Our last shopping round before we pack up and leave this place. The hotel is behind the palm trees so we've happily used the shopping cards to help us to the other side.

Claudia from group 8. She's 34, Romanian and has lived in Japan for the past 7 years.

Shawn from Santa Cruz. The day after dialog ended, he is dancing by the pool. Shawn lost his job a couple of months before TT and came here fully prepared. He is teaching already and I hope to take his class one day.

Three Canadian guys chilling by the pool. That is about all I know about them but they looked so relaxed that I had to take a picture.

All 26 postures. Add two breathing exercises to that and you have a Bikram Yoga class. Who needs dialog, can I just glue this poster to the wall on my first day and call it a silent class?
almost there! xx
Lieverd, je hebt een geweldige prestatie en presentatie neergezet. Ik zal je blog echt missen. Maar wat heerlijk dat je snel met Chris naar huis komt.
Ik ben er in gedachten bij, wanneer je je diploma krijgt.
Een kus, Sonja
Lieve Tijn, gister Chris bij je, vandaag je diploma. Je hebt het helemaal gedaan! Liefs, Cis.
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