Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 5

Week 5

Week four ended with Memorial Day weekend. The hotel had 100% occupancy it was an absolute zoo out here. Being here as a permanent resident for the past five weeks has been weird and interesting. It’s a little bit like ‘The Truman Show’. Us yogis move through all the corners of the hotel and make the same loop several times a day. Sometimes it feels like the other guests can’t really see us.

Last week the whole hotel was getting ready for Memorial Day weekend. They put blue dye in the lagoon (poor ducks), had the whole hotel vacuumed. And to top it all off the carped cleaners were here. The whole hotel smelled like WET DOG!
You should have seen the crowd! It would be like having your whole house cleaned the day before your son has his whole soccer team over for a BBQ and sleepover....why.

To top it all of we had the fire alarm go off in our rooms twice. My roommate and I were standing in our PJ’s in front of the hotel at 2am to then found out that some drunk idiot had triggered the alarm. Needless to say, when it went of again at 4am we chose to burn down with the building.

We survived but were clearly missing out on cocktail and party time. Instead we had our last anatomy test to get ready for and postures to master.

Week five was rough. Bikram was here half the time. His classes are tough and he is very harsh on people. He yells his head off in the class! I like his classes you work incredibly hard. We’ve had to do three or four sets of some postures until everyone got it right. He has definitely toughened up a lot, no more ‘are you okay honey?’.

Bikram made us sit through two of his Indian movies again this week. 4.30am and 3am and it has not done much good for the vibe here. People are cracking, there is a lot of crying and a lot of anger at this point. We’ve seen numerous interventions between teachers and trainees at our posture clinics. Some people just completely loose it, mainly because of the lack of rest. Our bodies are sore, our souls are raw and our spirit is depleted.

This was definitely a down week for me. The repetition of things starts to irritate and to be really honest; the drama is what gets me the most. It is absolutely exhausting even if you choose not to get involved.

Weeks six looks like a promising week. We have lectures scheduled with Doctors and Rajashree will be here. She is so lovely and has a lot to share about Bikram yoga. I’m excited for it all.

My wonderful friend and teacher Justine is here the whole week, I am so happy. She arrived here on Friday and brought over a lot of letters and chocolate from all my yoga buddies in Germany. And of course letters from my boys. It’s very special to know everyone is so supportive. You make my day.


“Rolls Royse factory makes Rolls Royse no Honda,
Bikram Yoga TT makes Bikrams.”

“Bikram yoga class is like a bank robbery, do exactly as I say and nobody gets hurt.”

“Boss, do the back bend! I don’t care if you have titanium plates in your back, I have cellulite on my dick. NOW DO THE F…..G BACK BEND!”

“The mind is a computer. You make your own software. You eat 3 times a day and need 7 hours of sleep only if that is how you’ve programmed it”


Nana said...

Wow, great blog! I can certainly identify... yes week 5 IS rough ( 7 isn't so much fun either) Hang in there, it's WAY worth it! You'll be so happy you are documenting this, keep it up!
Love the Bikramisms, some new ones I hadn't heard yet... unfortunately , my favs, I won't be able to use in my class!

Unknown said...

jaa, ik wil wel weten wat er na de cobra gebeurde! (hoezo nieuwsgierig!) succes met week 6, say hi to justine. hier nu ook goed warm, krijg al zomerkriebels! spreek je snel, hang in there! dikke kus