LA is beautiful as always, you can’t beat this weather it is absolutely fabulous and we are loving every minute of it. I always wonder how people can have a normal routine here.
Job, school, go to work every day. It feels like the days are so gorgeous here everyone should be off to enjoy them. Nothing is farther from the truth, most people have to work really hard to be able to afford to live in this popular place on the planet.
Not me I am on vacation and of course looking for a nice place to practice for the two weeks before training. We are staying with my in-laws and I’ve found a studio about twenty minutes from here.
Bikram Yoga Westlake Village is by far the nicest Bikram studio I have ever practiced in. The Director Mahnaz runs a tight ship. She is the one greeting me at my first visit and will teach the class that morning. She teaches a great class adding something I have never experienced; a stopwatch!
This might not sound like anything special to many of you reading it but I assure you it was for me. I fell in love with Mahnaz’s stopwatch style instantly! When I talked to her after class she told me that’s how all the teachers who teach at Westlake Village teach. They use the stopwatch to keep the practice honest. I LOVE IT.
I’ve visited the studio several times now and each and every teacher I had was really good. The fun part about the stopwatch for me is that you know the posture is going to be exactly as long as it should be. You can give it your 100% knowing you won’t be left in the posture while your teacher is drifting off in a story. ‘Keeping an honest practice’ it all made sense to me while doing classes with each one of them. I love the style, I might have to adopt it and bring it back with me to Germany.
The heat is funny here. Since it is already so hot outside and it has been 100F/35C over the last couple of days the temp inside the studio is really not so shocking. It makes you wonder if it’s really hot enough when you walk in but when you’re completely soaked after half moon you know it is. Your body just gets used to the heat.
Bikram Yoga LA has been great and I am looking forward to return to this beautiful studio once a year while I’m here to visit our family. Maybe I could even teach a class here, I love the thought of that.
All girls have been extremely supportive of me going to training and I have a good understanding of what to expect for the next nine weeks. It sounds like I’m off to boot camp…….
hey Tijn! ik denk heel erg aan je dit weekend! heel erg veel plezier in de malls, en succes bij de check in en de eerste kennismakingen! En een kus voor the family, wens ze een goede reis! kus MM
Hey Tyn,
wat een spannend avontuur ga je tegemoet.Word al helemaal zenuwachtig als ik je verhalen lees,zolang van huis en helemaal aan iets nieuws beginnen.Ben trots op je.Liefs Mirrie(ik mail je hotmail nog even voor de laatste updates hier).
Hey Zus.. Spannnend!!!! Ik heb nog even nagevraagd bij Bikram Amsterdam, er gaan geen teachers richting Palm Springs deze keer, maar er schijnt wel 1 meisje te zijn dat zelf gaat meedoen aan de TT.
Martijntje! You are an amazing role model to frustrated hausfraus everywhere! I am thrilled to be following your journey. I hope you can feel all the love and support coming your way from Massachusetts.
xoxo, Jenny
Hey gorgeous,
I am thinking of you tonight as I enjoy a glass of wine and a red thai curry! You're world is about to be transformed and enriched in so many ways. I remember fondly the introduction afternoon. All the new faces, all the staff and of course the never ending messages of 'learn the dialog'. Just breath honey and enjoy this part of your life journey.
With so much love and the utmost respect. J xxxxxx
Great blog my friend! This will be so fun to follow your adventure if I can keep up!I can't wait to hear about week 1! Stay positive and take it all in. Remember you are different and have so much spirit and passion to give to the rest - they are fortuante to have you! We are all thinking of you!
The Waldrips
Hehe... as I'm sure you're discovered by now, Bikram teaches pretty much the OPPOSITE of a "stopwatch" class. Hope you are having fun with him out there!!
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